On youTube there is a video of a famous bounty hunter preaching in a church lying about Biden, and talking against non-white people, when you go to any outing, as a church, and if she/he is preaching like she/he is mad, you can then be very sure that person is lying. I believe that people who do not accept all races and speaks against them are UN-AMERICAN.
The votes were NOT stolen from Trump. It is just most blacks and other minorities decided to vote against him, like myself, people like me or they don't, nothing can be done about it. Yes, they do show polls but to me they're always half and half, People either like you or they don't
I know math along with other people who knew math and the math is correct. TRUMP LOST. I wonder if someone paid the famous bounty hunter to put on a lying sermon. He wouldn't let his white son marry a black woman, it's his son's choice and not his.
I had the same problem when my toxic uncle in 1963 told me not to play with the German girls anymore. However, his threat went into one ear and out the other. Yes, he was in WW II , and bores me with stories that are against Germany and Japan. I had never listen to my toxic uncle and I can piss him off anytime, by speaking German, :
Oh yes, that famous bounty hunter is now part of "Save America" scam. Yes, beware, Save America is a scam, so is the "American Defense fund" these Trump-Nazis will not make America better, by stealing our money, These Trump-Nazis and Trump just want to line their pockets with our money. BEWARE!
NOT helping another American or even a visitor from another country makes one AN UN-AMERICAN, I help people if I can, regardless of race, peaceful religious beliefs or sexual identities Yes, I even help a couple of people with their income taxes, all one has to do is to follow instructions
click here below in my opinion An Un-American Bounty Hunter and maybe read what's stated on the Statue of Liberty, Trump wanted to give the statue back to France, that's what he said, I myself personally believe he wanted it melted down, so he can get money from its copper. Yes, the FORMER president, in my opinion, is UN-AMERICAN also. (end)
Click on video below at your own risk; This proves how stupid these Trump-Nazis are:
Yes, Jesus is black and some fake churches talk against blacks, these people need to wise up ! And as always, AN ALL WHITE-AMERICA IS NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN ! AMEN.but I do agree with the QAnon people who holds their fingers up showing they have an I.Q of one, but I believe it is actually less than that, like I said before, Trump likes stupid people because they're a lot easier to brainwash.