Give those federal properties back, Trump, they're not yours. You're not president anymore, Really, anyone who takes secret documents from the White House and claim it as their own, to me anyway, they're up to no good, maybe planning to sell them to the enemies for money. They're probably transferred to USBs by now or other storable media.
. Trump in my opinion, is too money minded. Trump is just for himself and his rich buddies. Trump, to me, wants revenge, and he'll probably drain the United States dry;If he's re-elected. THE UNITED STATES OF KING TRUMP; HEAVEN FORBID!
My dad, Homer (pictured), died on Valentine's Day in 2003 which was on a Thursday, my dad's casket was covered with a flag which was government property.
I was honored, when the head member of the American Legion had walked towards me, carrying the folded flag, and to have it presented to me, but first I had to sign a waiver, to change the government property to my own property. No FBI surprises for me! I can truthfully say it's mine. :)
I DID have proof that my dad was in the Marines, otherwise the flag would have cost $300.By the way, each fold of the flag does not mean anything. when one is in the military, they're taught to even fold clothes into triangles to save space, which I had now long forgotten, along with my knot tying skills, and, yes,even along with if a quarter could balance off my bed.
When I was in the Navy and getting sworn in, along with other members, around me standing up, they gave us forms to sign, but first we had to take off the paper clips that were holding the papers together, then we have had heard this command:
"Those paper clips are government property, pass them down and give them back!" (end)